Over de maker
(English text below)
In 2008 startte ik Museummaker na ervaring te hebben opgedaan als o.a. tentoonstellingsmaker, journalist, schrijver, art director, hoofdredacteur, conceptontwikkelaar en consultant in de cultuur, media, marketing/communicatie, innovatie, duurzaamheid en wetenschapscommunicatie. Veelzijdig dus en zo werd ik domeinoverstijgend avant la lettre!
Sinds die tijd werk ik als adviseur voor culturele organisaties, gemeenten en provincies, als (interim) manager/directeur of kwartiermaker voor musea en andere culturele organisaties, als conceptontwikkelaar, als (internationaal) spreker en trainer / docent.
Met deze inhoudelijke en uitvoerende ervaring kan ik moeiteloos schakelen tussen concept, strategie en uitvoering, makkelijk verbindingen maken en ben ik steevast resultaatgericht.
Zoals een horlogemaker zorgt dat een bestaand horloge weer opgeschoond raakt, goed loopt en met de tijd mee kan gaan, werk ik voor musea en andere maatschappelijke / culturele organisaties. Ook nieuwe / nieuw op te richten musea en organisaties help ik graag om van een doordacht en bevlogen idee tot een haalbare kaart te komen.
Daarin komen zaken aan bod als concept, identiteit en propositie, kernwaarden en rol, bedrijfsmodel en transactionele waarde, exploitatie en exposities, interactie en toegankelijkheid. Deze worden behandeld volgens het ‘GIVE model’ van Museummaker, met toekomstbestendigheid, inclusie, relevantie en storytelling als belangrijke verbindende elementen.
In 2008 I started Museummaker, a company for idea development, museum concepts and engagement strategy for sustainable goals. Meanwhile I held positions like
- creative director at Museummaker (2008-present), advisor, concept developer and trainer for many museums in the Netherlands and worldwide
- advisor at Cultuur Oost, helping cultural organisations and municipalities with their policy, vision and cooperation with cultural institutions.
- director of museum Natura Docet (natural history/ ecology / landscape) (2020-2022), responsible for all changes, renovation, fund raising making a new policy and direction for the museum which involved Sustainable Development Goals, inclusion en decolonizing the museum, increasing amount of visitors (during covid), bringing more entrepreneurship (100% more own income).
- ‘libero’ at the Netherlands Open air Museum in Arnhem (2019), working on the new museum vision, identity & positioning in which the Sustainable Development Goals and co=creation with the audience play a big role
- head curator / museum affairs at Technology Museum HEIM (now OYFO) (2016), responsible for the integration of art, music and technology in education and heritage for the to be renovated museum
- quartermaker / head of museum at the Municipality Museum in Weesp
From 1986 til 1999 I worked as a writer, musician and artist; after being educated as art and art history teacher. At that time I was making exhibitions, that aimed at in depth interaction with audiences, and co-organizing and presenting cultural festivals. Meanwhile I earned a living doing many jobs like being journalist and copywriter.
Then I saw the possibilities of internet for education and interaction. Within a year I made a career from being a webdesigner to project manager, working for Dutch television and big brands like Heineken, Unilever and KPN. A change in the company to being part of a television production company, made me art director and concept developer, working on the interactive department for many tv programs and again brands like Heineken, Unilever and NGO’s like Plan International and World Wildlife Fund (WWF).
Not long after that I became editor in chief of two (educational) children’s magazines (Bobo – pre school, ZoZitDat?! – popular science) at Sanoma Publishers in the Netherlands. I renewed the magazines, made them more interactive and more profitable.
Thenreafter I returned to the cultural sector, working at Tinker Imagineers as a conceptdeveloper, advising on sustainability, experience design and innovation.
Meanwhile I founded and manage Heritage 2.0 (erfgoed 2.0), a knowledge network for heritage professionals, ErfgoedZaak (heritage business & entrepreneurship), Inheritage.eu (heritage interpretation for archeology and historic sites), Collectiewijzer (network for collection care, management and knowledge). I was a member of the Innovation Council Public Libraries (Royal Dutch Library), and board member of several foundations.
At present I still work as a consultant, speaker and trainer, in the Netherlands and internationally. I am also guest lecturer at the Reinwardt Academy in Amsterdam and at master Art Education at Fontys University of Applied Sciences in Tilburg.