If there’s one thing that describes me, it’s artistry. This defines the way I think, how I always look for value in the connection and interaction with other people and how I look at the world, it influences the way I acquire and process information, it determines the way I come up with solutions for complex issues and deepen what initially seemed simple, my artistry gives my life meaning, shape, sound. Even if I don’t put this into practice every day, or, to earn an income, have to do other work. But even then I know that my artistry is the humus layer that gives flavor and color to all my activities and decisions. Since my work has to do with art and culture on a daily basis, and often takes place in museums and exhibitions, my artistry has multiple ways and media at its disposal to express and develop.
It is precisely this influence that has ensured that my art, on the one hand, is more socially based and has more in common with everyday reality and, on the other hand, that it claims its own contemplative space within the hustle and bustle and the issues of the day, offering a refuge, an oasis and a reflection from within.

After more than fifteen years of being full time artist, the reality of having a family forced me to do also other jobs. After being a webdesigner for a month, I became projectmanager at an internet company, working for big brands like Heineken. Shortly after I was an art director and concept developer at a tv production company, then editor in chief of two children’s magazines, revitalizing them and after another year I was concept developer / consultant at Tinker Imagineers, where I made museum concepts, designed exhibits and advised on sustainability and innovation. In 2007 I started as an associated lecturer at the bachelor Heritage and Museums in Amsterdam. In 2008 I started my own company, Museummaker. Since that time I design and curate exhibitions, change museum, or temporarily take the lead as a director. At the moment I help municipalities with their cultural policy and advise for cultural organizations, work as a quarter master on a new big museum concept and I am a member of the Supervisory Board of DRU Industriepark, a former factory complex of the iron industry, where we are working on, among other things, a sculpture park for big iron and sound sculptures.
Meanwhile I compose (piano mainly), make drawings, do research for sculptures and write poems on an almost daily basis. I also work on a big novel about the changing relationship between human and nature.
To read a full curriculuym vitae about my art, please click here.